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A Warm Welcome

Oh hey there! If you don't know who I am, I'm Tabi, a soon-to-be illustrator and budding Harry Potter fan from rainy England. It's true- I've had a blog before, but the fact is, I fell out  of love with it, and the obsession over 'stats' and the non-existent pressure to post certain things because so many people were watching. So, here's to a fresh, cosy and more personal start. I want to share my journey through illustration (ugh cheesy) and maybe day to day life; including scrapbooking, too much tea-drinking, photographing my favourite nature (which is all of it) and more tea-drinking. So cheers to that! *clinks glass* I'd better also welcome you, if indeed you're reading this, which would make sense because you are reading this... Hmm. Welcome! I hope you are well, and if you also would love to check back every now and again for some doodles and illustrations and sketchbook flip-throughs (if I get that fancy), or maybe you just came to s

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